Charge all of your electric vehicles for the next 30+ years for one low cost!
Install the SunChargeMe System by SmartFlower, and power your electric vehicles direct from the Sun for the next 30+ years.
Call 855-StarEnergy (855-782-7363) for a free consultation from a service professional. Or call our local office at 256-809-9944.
According to CNBC, the average person will spend over $5,000.00 in fuel consumption in 2022. Get a SmartFlower, which will save your household over $50,000 in fuel savings over the next ten years. And one SmartFlower will also provide about 60% of the average home's energy needs.
We all have a choice; spend $50,000.00 in gas over the next ten years OR buy a SmartFlower and charge up to five vehicles for FREE for the next 30+ years... or charge one vehicle and use the rest as free energy for your entire home's energy needs.
One SmartFlower will generate enough energy to provide about sixty percent of the average household's energy needs, and because the SmartFlower's built-in GPS tracking system, it perfectly aligns itself with the sun for optimum energy production... a WHOPPING 40% more efficient than standard roof mounted solar panels.
The SmartFlower can be custom wrapped for businesses and is a major attraction because of its beauty and innovative design. People are in awe as it automatically opens, tracks the sun, and automatically closes itself each night; and of course it cleans itself during the open/close process. Truly amazing technology at affordable costs. Installs in a single day!
Call 855-Star-Energy (855-782-7363)
Learn how to use locally sourced sunshine to charge your electric vehicles for free, well, once the unit is purchased, free fuel for 30+ years, guaranteed! Extra power is used to power your home needs.
We will design, build, install and service your power station whenever needed. Our units have a 25 year manufacture's warranty and will produce energy for 30-40 years.
Use the sun to charge your life with zero carbon footprint, improved property value, and save BIG money!
We will design or build your design!
An investment in many ways!
We offer several parking area with built-in charging for the next 30+ years.
Once installed, our park and charge stations will generate free power to charge up to five vehicles for the next 30+ years at minimal costs.
Park, charge, and go!
But NEVER GO to another gas station.
Set-up in one day!
Reduce carbon footprint, save money on power, access to off-grid power, peace-of-mind, what are you waiting on!
it's just the beginning
0% Same-as-Cash Financing